

Shanxi Xian Etxeko Bakarkako Estreinatzeko Landareen Kasua

Proiektuaren aurrekariak

Lantian konderria, Shaanxi Probintzia

Prozesu Teknikoa

Liding Scavenger® etxeko araztegien tratamendu gailua da "MHAT + kontaktu oxidazioa" prozesua erabiltzen duena. It has a daily treatment capacity of 0.3-0.5 tons per day and offers three automatic modes (A, B, C) to adapt to different regional discharge standards. Etxeko erabilerarako bereziki diseinatua, "etxeko unitate bakoitzeko" ikuspegi bat da, in situ baliabideen erabilera abantailekin. The technology provides several benefits, including energy savings, reduced labor costs, low operational costs, and guaranteed compliance with discharge standards.

Tratamendu egoera

The Liding Scavenger® has been installed and is currently in use in Goukou Village, with the water quality meeting the required standards. Local leaders have conducted on-site inspections of the project and have recognized the positive impact of the Liding Scavenger® on the environmental remediation efforts in the area. Tokiko ingurumen baldintzak hobetzeko gailuaren ekarpen garrantzitsua aitortu dute.

Ordua: otsailak 07-2025